Tired of a Website That Does Nothing for Your Business?

What if your site could bring in clients day after day? Most websites are like billboards in the desert unseen and ineffective.

Here’s How You
Can Change That

Imagine a website that works for you 24/7, attracting clients like a top salesperson.

When you join our community you'll get an over-the-shoulder video course on building a high-converting Mini-Site (a powerful hybrid between a website and landing pages) designed to communicate your value, address objections, and close sales.

Mini-Site Design & Copy
Over The Shoulder Course

VALUE - $350

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Weekly Q&A
Calls with me

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VALUE - $500

How to Write
for Conversion

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VALUE - $99

Best UX Web
Design Practices

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VALUE - $99

Monthly Bonuses &
Exclusive Content

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VALUE - $597

Start Attracting Your Ideal Clients for Just $28/Month

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VALUE  $162/month

⚠️  Price Increase in September: $49/Month!

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Quick Message
from Redona

Hey, I’m Redona, and I want to help you make your website really work for you.

Imagine this: You open your website, and it’s packed with visitors who aren’t just looking—they’re booking. Your inbox is full of messages from people who feel like you get them.

You sit back with your coffee, smiling as you read one glowing review after another. Your website isn’t just a place to show what you do; it’s where your story comes to life and draws in the right people.

And the best part? This isn’t just about your success. It’s about making a difference, inspiring others, and really connecting.

It’s all happening because your website finally reflects who you truly are, and it’s turning visitors into loyal clients right now.

Ready to transform your website into your best sales person that truly reflects who you are?

Let’s make it happen together. 

your guide, Redona

Quick Message

from Redona

I have over 14 years of experience in design and marketing. I studied at UC Berkeley and have worked in Dubai, Europe, Silicon Valley, and now Seattle.

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It’s taken me a while as a business owner to find my niche, but now I’ve found it, it all makes sense.

You see, I actually think that I have a lot in common with the struggles that coaches & online health practitioners face when trying to stand out from the crowd and connect with their audience.

That are constantly trying to stand out above their competition.

One of the ways I stand out from my competition successfully is through my  online presence and website.

I decided I could help you to do the same. People buy people, and especially with coaches & small businesses owners, you really have to connect with your potential client.

You’ll do this through your personality and your clients will buy your services because of you.

People choose YOU because they know, like and trust YOU.



How to build a High
Converting Mini-Site?


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to Convert

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the Tools

Use the plug-and-play tools, templates, and resources. They are made to save you time and speed up your business growth.


Watch Your Online Presence Grow

Follow our proven plan. Then, you will feel the joy of using your expertise to make meaningful, profitable work that really helps people.

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Frequently Asked Questions

With the 'Design to Convert' membership, you join a club of growth driven coaches, entrepreneurs, online business owners all aiming to boost their online presence. Plus, you'll have access to Q&A calls, resources, templates, and video guides tailored to help you succeed in growing your online business.

We understand that circumstances can change, and so you have the flexibility to cancel your membership at any time. However, if you choose to do so, just keep in mind that you don’t get to keep any of the content inside.

No, there is no minimum commitment period for your “Design to Convert” membership. You have the flexibility to stay as long as you find value and can cancel anytime. We're here to support you on your journey, whether you choose to stay for the short term or the long haul.

The membership doesn't include free one-on-one consultations. However, you will have access to me through the community chat and during Q&A calls within the group setting. In these sessions, I'll be available to offer guidance, answer your questions, and engage directly to support you on your journey.

No, everything will be incredibly straightforward for you. You'll have access to templates and frameworks for both copy and design, making the process seamless. Plus, I'll be there to guide you every step of the way.